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Showing posts from June, 2015


6 years ago a guy looked at me face to face, and boldly told me; "I don't like you!" I immediately fired a response, I asked him that day; "Thank you for the honest feedback, but those that you like, how has it made their life better? How does your liking people pay their bills or take a bank loan? My brother keep your like, I need God's like And that's what guarantees my future. Today I joined a CEO friend of mine in an interview Panel to recruit some new staff, it was a long session, as we returned from a coffee break to continue the hectic interview session, here was this same guy walked in with his grey jacket and CV coming for the interview. Our eyes kissed by fluke, we immediately recognised each other; "the world is indeed spherical", I soliloquized. He felt very uncomfortable through out the interview, one could clearly see the volcanic eruption ongoing in his whole nervous system, he even mistook his date of birth for his last date of empl...

Google App Engine

Some stuff are hard to get and others are easy. Some are important and others are not. The point is, as a develop you need to know most if not all of it. As one, who wanna know much about app development and use google's backend, checking out several videos and documentations is bliss. Learning curve nayo?! Anyway, I would like to know if you are good in app dev..I'm bad. I wanna be good first then work my a** up to better.

Love & Conversion

Lemmi start by admitting that I'm proud of my buddy Aviva. This guy converted from Islam to Christianity. Ohh K. Almost killed, if not dead, the article. Should have come as the last item anyway, but because am happy, I can't keep you waiting as you read through stuff and then tell you that he converted.. I love this and appreciate the big step taken by this brother. It happens rarely. Now Aviva is a born-again Christian. Had a chat with him and he's even working on a gospel tune...All for the Glory of Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. This is such a big celebration..I hope this fire goes on and on. I don't know how much I can say this, but I love the fact that he has come to Christianity and all for Love. This love really keeps the world going round..hehe :)